Rabu, 29 April 2009

What Is A Canine Adult Stem Cell?

Canine adult stem cell therapy is now performed to our friend dogs to help them repair their system. Through this therapy, the system repairs tissue and mends the skeleton. This is the body’s natural system of renewal.

Dogs have this kind of therapy whenever they break a bone or tear a ligament. Once the stem cell reach the damaged organ, they become fresh, new replacements for the damaged cells. As the dog ages, fewer stem cells are releases into his circulation resulting or giving the dog a number of health problems and challenges. The higher the number of circulating stem cells in canine also in human, the faster and more complete is the repair and renewal. The more stem cells in circulation, the better overall health.

It is important to track or to learn your dog’s body clock. You can learn how to boost the production of your canine’s stem cells. You can result into transplants or injections, but therapy can also be used to restore the health of your dog. Effects of recombinant canine stem cell factor, a c-kit ligand and recombinant granulocyte colony- stimulating factor on hematopoietic recovery after otherwise lethal total body irradiation.

Adult stem cell is an undifferentiated cell found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ, it can renew itself and can differentiate to yield the major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. Scientists have found adult stem cells in many more tissues that they once though possible.

Researching about the adult stem cell began in the 1960s. During that period, researches discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells. One population, called hematopoietic stem cells, forms all the types of blood cells in the body. A second population, called bone marrow stromal cells, was discovered a few years later. Stromal cells are a mixed cell population that generates bone, cartilage, fat, and fibrous connective tissue.

Also in the 1960s, scientists who were studying rats discovered two regions of the brain that contained dividing cells, which become nerve cells. Despite these reports, most scientists believed that new nerve cells could not be generated in the adult brain. It was not until the 1990s that scientists agreed that the adult brain does contain stem cells that are able to generate the brain’s three major cell types—astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, which are non-neuronal cells, and neurons, or nerve cells.

A singles adult stem cell should be able to generate a line of genetically identical cells, which then gives rise to all the appropriate differentiated cell types of the tissue. Scientists were able to discover that by infecting adult stem cells with a virus that gives a unique identifier to each individual cell, scientists have been able to demonstrate that individual adult stem cell clones have the ability to repopulate injured tissues in a living animal.

How does a dog benefit from the canine adult stem cell treatment? This method provide growth factors to support healing tissue, they are anti-inflammatory and they can change into the specific cell type to repair a given area, like a cartilage. Aside from these functions, they also hone in to the injured area for a quick repair including revitalizing weakened cells and support immune system function.

These new methods can be exciting new treatment for our beloved companions. However it is in the early stages of use. This is a very exciting new field in veterinary medicine, however no one can promise good results.

Unlocking The Secret To The Adult Canine Stem Cell

Unlocking the secret to the adult canine stem cell will surely pave the way for a better future in creating a better bond between man and his canine friend.

But what exactly is an adult canine stem cell?

For starters, stem cells define the way how life is currently being viewed from varying perspectives, due to recent breakthroughs and discoveries about the many possible benefits and uses of stem cells, both in humans and animals.

Much has been said and controversies have arisen about breakthroughs in stem cell research and how many people perceive it as a major factor for breakthrough treatments of many diseases.

Initially, stem cells are generally basic primal cells found in all multi-cellular organisms that have the ability to regenerate through a process called mitotic cell division and can also differentiate to a broad and diverse range of specialized cell types.

Stem cells are broken down to three common categories, which are defined as embryonic stem cells that are derived from blastocysts, cord blood stem cells that are found in the umbilical cord and adult stem cells.

During the last couple of years, stem cells have established a reputation as a common household word, especially brought about by the recent exposure of stem cell research and breakthroughs, including those that involve adult canine stem cells for treatment and therapeutic properties for the canine species.

However, it has become more popular for its perceived benefits in the medical field, especially for its therapeutic and regenerative repair processes.

One classic example is that in a developing mammalian embryo, stem cells evolve and eventually differentiate into all of the specialized and individual embryonic tissues.

For adult organisms, stem cells primarily function as the repair tools of the body as it replenishes damaged specialized cells.

Breakthroughs into stem cell research are looking into its use for medical therapies, especially those in the embryonic cell lines that are generated through therapeutic cloning, especially with damaged muscle and bones tissues commonly affecting dogs.

Also those believed to be highly potential areas for development of stem cell therapeutic benefits are adult stem cells found in the umbilical cord blood and bone marrow.

One of the major properties of the stem cell that establishes itself in the forefront of most medical researches is its ability for self renewal by going through numerous cycles of cell division, all the while maintaining its undifferentiated state.

Another unique property is its unlimited potency where it has the capacity to differentiate to any mature cell type, including the adult canine stem cell.

Theoretically, adult canine stem cells can infinitely divide itself to replenish other cells as long as the living organism – be it human or animal – remains to exist, since when a stem cell divides, it surprisingly can either remain as another stem cell or become a different type of cell that may perform other specialized functions like a brain cell, red blood cell or a muscle cell.

But even as stem cells continue to be known as one of the most fascinating topics of science today, it also has raised many controversial issues that sometimes lead to many technical hurdles that will continue to hound ongoing research into the stem cell process- scientifically, religiously and ethically.

Nonetheless, this check and balance process into stem cell research will benefit science as it will continue to challenge the scientific community to venture forth into more intensive research to further improve and continue to define the roles and limits of stem cells and its mysteries.

Many questions still abound regarding stem cells and dog’s diseases, but unlocking the secret to the adult canine stem cells will provide us with all the answers we need to know.

The Wonders Of Natural Adult Canine Stem Cell Growth

The wonders of natural adult canine stem cell growth will continue to astound researchers and many dog owners around the world and provide answers to what would have been mysterious maladies that have afflicted man’s best friend for years.

Natural adult canine stem cell growth is an indication of a complex-free living organism process, especially since stem cells are the key players in the regeneration and repair of diseased or injured tissues.

Adult canine stem cell growth is a naturally-occurring process in the dog’s body, regardless of whether the animal is a full-grown adult or even while still an unspecialized cell upon conception.

Adult canine stem cells are undifferentiated primitive cells that have the ability to both multiply and differentiate into specific kinds of cells, especially one that occurs in the dog’s body.

Surprisingly, adult canine stem cells are much different from every other kind of cell in the dog’s body since they are generic or unspecialized, but generally have three distinct properties, stem cells divide and renew themselves for long periods of time, are initially unspecialized and when subjected to a stimulus can be activated to form specialized cell types in the body.

Scientists see that natural adult canine stem cell growth processes are fundamentally vital to the regenerative and reparative processes of the animal’s body since it is responsible for replacing or renewing damaged or injured tissues.

Since natural canine stem cell growth initially takes its unspecialized form, it starts out not having any tissue or cell-specific structures with specialized functions.

It does not work in assisting blood cells to pump blood throughout the body as what a heart muscle cell does, or carry oxygen molecules as a red blood cell functions or trigger electrochemical signals like what nerve cells do for the body.

However, once exposed to stimuli, it could evolve into a heart muscle cell, a red blood cell or even a nerve cell.

Another astounding fact of an adult stem cell is that it is capable of dividing or renewing themselves for long periods of time, unlike nerve, blood or muscle cells, which do not replicate like what a stem cell does over and over again.

Moreover, natural adult canine stem cell growth also gives rise to specialized cells, which is referred to as the process of differentiation.

Scientists only recently found out that this process occurs when signals within and outside the cell triggers the stem cell to differentiate.

The internal signals are controlled by the genes of the cell which are located all over the strands of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that basically carry the coded frameworks and instructions for all functions and structures of a cell.

The external signals, on the other hand, are the cells’ physical contact with other cells, chemical reactions caused by other cells and molecular activity within the microenvironment.

Since stem cell processes is a relatively new scientific discovery, research still needs to unlock many questions and mysteries that involve stem cells- questions that still remain to be answered in finding more ways to harness the potential of stem cells for cell-based treatments or therapies, especially for most enigmatic diseases that affect dogs in general.

The process of natural adult canine stem cell growth has indeed become the starting point for scientists to harness the potential of stem cells for medical treatments and therapies, intensive research and experimentation will continue to open new doors and frontiers for this primitive cell.

The wonders of natural adult canine stem cell growth will continue to pave the way for new and improved treatments and therapies that will help prolong the bond between man and his four-legged best friend.

It Started with a Canine-Adult Stem Cell and Cloning

The use of adult stem cells to cure sickness among out canine companions is common nowadays. Veterinarian clinics have been performing stem cell renewal to address dogs ailing due to old age, arthritis, or broken bones.

Several mammals, like cows, sheep, mice, horse, mule, rabbits, have been cloned using almost the same process similar to adult stem cell. Clone means that two organisms have the same DNA construct or the same genome. Blastocysts are obtained, they are also called pre-embryo and is mass of undifferentiated cells.

Each of the obtained blastocysts has the potential to generate an individual, but that is not a goal. The goal is to use these undifferentiated cells, also called embryonic stem cells, to generate any time of issue. This stock of stem cells can then be used to treat diseases. You can call this therapeutic cloning.

Much research is being done in developing therapeutic cloning. When developed it can be used against life-threatening disease such as AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other sicknesses. How could it work? Alzheimer’s disease results into dying neurons, it is possible to use cells to treat the degenerative disease.

The use of stem cells, whether it is embryonic and adult, is to regenerate or replace diseased tissue, like in Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis. An advantage of a adult stem cells, is that the patient’s own stem cells can be used on his own body. This removes the risk of rejection, or the immune reactions against reimplanting these cells. In the embryonic stel cemm, exogenous cells are used. They may provoke an immune reaction or response. That is where the therapeutic cloning comes in.

A nucleus is extracted from the body cell, it is then inserted into a denucleated egg cell and the embryonic development is stimulated. It gets cultured and will eventually transfor into the needed tissue which will be transplanted again to the patient for treatment.

But recent medicine has not yet reached this height. There are still no report for successful treatments in kind of human cases using this way. Embryonic stem cell have high tumor risk. But researches are still in the dawn of discovering something or technique that will pave a way for medical change.

But is it really as good as this?

There are some researchers who argue that the adult stem cells are not as it regenerative as it claims. A scientific panel cited a 2002 study showing that adult stem cells are useful as embryonic ones are flawed may be wrong.

They make three common claims about adult stem cells: They already work as therapies, while embryonic stem cells are still experimental; they are derived without killing embryos; and — last but not least — they are safe compared to embryonic stem cells, which are known to cause tumors.

Stem cells have been the subject of much controversy in recent years. Supporters of stem cell research promise successful therapies in the future. Opponents are concerned about the ethics of using embryonic stem cells for research - such stem cells inherently require the destruction of human embryos.

Adult stem cells - which do not involve embryo destruction - are another option for research, and have great potential for successful therapies in the future. It ma have started or popularly used in canine bodies, but there is a future for humans receiving the same treatments for dogs.

Human-Canine Adult Stem Cell-Without Controversy?

Adult stem cell treatment has been around for 40 years already. Since its discovery in the 1960s, its already being used by veterinarians and veterinarian clinics. Most of adult stem cell therapies are for canine companions.

Ever since the discovery of how adult stem cell can help in curing sickness, further research and studies have been made. Scientists have fogging the line between human and animal. Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003, have merged human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the firs human-animal fusion successful created.

Adult stem cell research is a controversial and questioned by those who object to embryonic stem cell research. Unlike the more well-known embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have been proven to be useful for human medical treatments, such as bone marrow transplants, and they are already being used in veterinarian clinics.

They have been of wide interest in the field of medicine. Why? Stem cells have the potential to develop into almost all of the different types of cells. Their primary ability is priceless. They are able to repair damaged or defective tissues. Degenerative diseases, which had to effective therapies, could be alleviated or even cured by stem cell treatment.

For canine treatment, adult stem cell has been used to address different health concerns of aging animals, like arthritis. They may be even used to address issues of canine and animal cancer, brain injuries and heart diseases. Advocates of embryonic research, argue that adult stem cell research will help us cure of diseases like cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and many other kinds of sickness.

There are also medical researches saying that this technology can even be used to cure spinal cord injuries and Parkinson’s disease. There are high personalities like Christopher Reeve and Michael J. Fox campaign for stem cell research. The medical possibilities, fuel up the debates.

Stem cell has been fueling controversies and ethical debates. Most of the ethical debates surrounding the stem cell controversy is about the creation, usage and destruction of human embryonic stem cells. People who object to using this practice says that this is a reproductive cloning and devalues the worth of human being. Some medical researches argue that it is necessary to pursue stem cell research for its medical potential. Other controversies are about religious practices and the great power doctors would have.

Pro-life advocates raise concerns about the status of the human embryo. Pro-life advocates believe that embryonic stem cell research violates the “sanctity of life” and is equivalent to murder. The fundamental assertion of those who oppose embryonic stem cell research is the belief that human life should not be violated. Pro-life and religious advocates state the fact than human life begins in the process of sexual reproduction, human life begins when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell to form a single cell.

Medical professionals argue that people have difficulty differentiating adult and embryonic stem cells. The adult stem cell are embryo- free and can only create a specific body tissue, cartilage or bone. While embryonic cells, have the potential to give rise to many kinds of tissues in the body, that could lead to dreaded diseases.

Adult stem cell started and is currently predominantly used by veterinarians to cure canine sickness. But the possibilities are limitless, medical sicknesses could be cured and a brighter future for those who are impaired with these kind of illnesses.

History Of Canine Adult Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cells have an interesting, and somewhat controversial history. Stem cell research can be traced in the beginning of 1800s with the discovery that some cells could generate other cells. Cells were basically the building blocks of life. This became the start of a medical research towards discovering different aspects of adult stem cell treatment and therapy, whether it is for humans or for animals, like canines.

The history of stem cell research includes work with both animal and human stem cells. Based on their discovery stem cells have three broad categories, (1) totipotent stem cells are found only in early embryo, (2) pluripotent stem cells exist in the undifferentiated inner cell mass of the blastocyst and can form any of the over 200 different cell types found in the body and (3) multipotent stem cells are derived from fetal tissue, cord blood, and adult stem cells.

Early 1900s marked the time when attempts were being made to fertilize mammalian eggs outside of the human body. Because of these attempts, scientists and researchers were able to discover that some cells had the ability to generate blood cells.

Some early attempts include several transplants carried out in France following a radiation accident in the late 1950s. Performing marrow transplants in humans was not attempted on a larger scale until a French medical researcher made a critical medical discovery about the human immune system. In 1958 Jean Dausset identified the first of many human histocompatibility antigens. These proteins are called human leukocyte antigens. These HLS antigens give the body’s immune system the ability to determine what belongs in the body and what does not belong.

In 1968, the first bone marrow transplant was performed to successfully treat two siblings with severe immunodeficiency. Other key events in the stem cell research include the time when stem cells were discovered in human cord blood in 1978. In vitro stem cell line development can also be attributed to stem cell research. The first in vitro stem cell lines were developed from mice in 1981, while, in 1988 embryonic stem cell lines were created from a hamster.

The primate came next when embryonic stem cell was derived from them in 1995. The year 1997 has such an impact, since it was the first time the a lamb was cloned from stem cells. Researches and discoveries continued until in 1998 to 1999 when James Thompson began to discover the adult mouse tissues could produce different cell types. Meaning, the cells from the bone marrow can produce nerve, liver, or brain cells. This excited the world over the stem cell research.

The most recent discovery about stem cells was made in 2005. Kingston University (England) scientists were said to have discovered another category of stem cells. They originated in the umbilical cord blood as is called cord blodd embryonic-like stem cells. It is suggested that these stem cells have the ability to differentiate into more cell types than adult stem cells.

Nowadays, canines are among the successful recipient of the adult stem cell studies. But each year, there are advances on the adult stem cell researches. Adult stem cells are also being used not to treat heart diseases and leukemia. The potential is great, but it would take a while and a lot of studies before scientists and doctors get to control the regulation of stem cells. It would take a while before we get to harness the stem cell’s full potential to save many lives.

Harnessing Adult Canine Stem Cells For Healing

Harnessing the ability of canine adult stem cells for healing body damage is by far an innovative breakthrough in medical science for the treatment of every possible illness of man’s best friend

Like humans, when a dog breaks a bone or tears a ligament, the body’s natural response is to repair itself as a healing process and the cells that are responsible for this is called the stem cells.

Recent studies have identified that the canine adult stem cell has been regarded as one of the most prominent stem cell type that can be used for regenerative and reparative properties for the four legged species.

Canine adult stem cells are basically undifferentiated cells that can be found throughout the dog’s body that divide and replenish dying cells, as well as repair damaged tissues and bones.

The primary role of a canine adult stem cell in the dog’s body is to maintain, as well as repair damaged tissues in the body.

Ideally the main focus of canine adult stem cell research was for health and therapeutic concerns, especially with the stem cell’s regenerative and reparative properties, as a precursor to research done on human adult stem cells.

Research on canine adult stem cells is a continued intensive process that determines how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy stem cells replace damaged cells in adult living organisms.

The canine adult stem cell also play key roles in replacing muscle, bone or blood cells, especially in healthy adult dogs, even with the normal wear and tear of cells and tissues.

Currently, studies have established that canine adult stem cells have been found in many organs and tissues, however, there were recent discoveries that there are a small number of stem cells in each muscle or bone tissue.

These canine adult stem cells are believed to be embedded in a specific area of a tissue, where each stem cell may remain inactive for years at a time and will only be activated for regeneration once that particular tissue is damaged by disease or injury.

Adult tissues that have been found out to have reportedly been identified to contain these fascinating adult stem cells that include the bone marrow, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, liver and the brain.

Many scientific studies into the canine adult stem cell involve tests to find out ways and processes to culture adult stem cells and manipulate the stem cells to create specific cell types that will match tissues, which could prove helpful in the treatment of injury or disease, especially those that are commonly afflicting dogs like hip dysplasia and liver disease due to poor nutrition.

Current milestones into the studies and findings made on canine adult stem cells will continue to astound and create awe, since it has opened new doors for the scientific community, as well as setting new heights for the treatment of once-enigmatic diseases among dogs.

Hopefully with more intensive studies, canine adult stem cells will continue to provide more solutions to many other health problems, as well as shed light on the mystery that has afflicted man’s best friend.

Harnessing adult canine stem cells for healing many diseases that continue to afflict dogs will pave the way for providing hope to pet owners around the world.

Canine 911

Canine adult stem cell rapidly improving and adapting to the times. Adult stem cells theraoies are used to treat disease today. The probably most well known stem cell therapy use is the umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants and the peripheral blood stem cells and bone marrow stem cell transplants.

Cell therapy make it possible to clone organs which can be transplanted into humans whose livers, kidneys, heart is failing. The most important potential application of human stem cells is the generation of cells and issues that could be used for cell-based therapies.

When your canine friend gets sick brought about by old age, like tear a ligament or tissue and skeleton fails to heal, adult stem cells are the body’s natural system of renewal. Fewer stem cells are released into circulation as the dog reaches a mature and older age. When there is a high number of circulating stem cells in the canine or human, the faster and more complete is the repair and renewal. More stem cells in circulation, better overall health. Who would want our canine friends to be dire health situations?

What are the common sicknesses that adult stem cell can cure?

Surprisingly, adult stem cell can cure stroke and traumatic bran injury. In healthy adult animals, progenitor cells migrate within the brain and function primarily to maintain neuron populations for olfaction (the sense of smell). In case of a brain injury, substantial recovery is rarely observed in adults, suggesting a lack of robustness.

Aside from brain injury, adult stem cells in the brains of the dogs has shown to be very successful in treating cancerous tumors. With traditional techniques, brain cancer is almost impossible to treat because it spreads rapidly. Stem cells neither differentiated nor turned tumorigenic cells. The current cancer treatments are designed to kill all cancer cells, but through this method, researches would be able to develop drugs to specifically target these stem cells.

Lymphomas and hematopoietic cancers to HIC, the disruption of cell homeostasis within the immune system commonly leads to disease. The specificity of one’s immune cell repertoire, which allows it to recognize foreign antigen, causes further challenges in the treatment of immune disease. Identical matches between donor and recipient must be made for successful transplantation treatments, while matches are uncommon, even between first-degree relatives. Research using both hematopoietic adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells has contributed great insight into possible mechanisms and methods of treatment for many of these ailments.

Baldness and missing teeth can also be addressed by adult stem cell treatment. Hair follicles also contain stem cells, and some researches predict research on these follicle stem cells. Baldness can be treated by hair multiplication which is also known as hair cloning. Researches are also confident that adult stem cell research can also be used to grow live teeth. Deafness, blindness and vision impairment can also be restored by adult stem cell treatment.

Stem cells are harvested from the dog’s fat. The stem cells harvested are injected into the dog’s painful body part. Stem cells have ability to differentiate tissues. Since the stem cells came from the pet they are injected to, it is almost impossible for rejection.

If ever the stem cell get rejected, an ovum will be harvested from an animal and its DNA will be sucked out. Then new DNA would be extracted from a cell in the patient and inserted into the evacuated ovum, creating the patient’s embryonic clone.

Is your dog a candidate for canine adult stem cell treatment? Dogs that have not responded or cannot tolerate non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and dogs that are not good candidates for orthopedic surgery are some of the candidates for stem cell treatment. While dogs with early arthritis or have multiple joints afflicted with arthritis are also candidates for stem cell treatment.

Adult Canine Stem Cell Research

Adult canine stem cell research, breaking the silence between ethics and medical breakthroughs

It is indeed a dilemma where the line is drawn on adult canine stem cell research, as it aims to break the silence between ethics and medical breaktroughs.

Arguments and debates have been raised about the propriety and the need to focus on stem cell ethics, now that adult canine stem cells are already being introduced as a treatment procedure for some diseases and illnesses among dogs.

Regardless of the idea that stem cell research is primarily aimed at tapping into the potential benefits of adult canine stem cells on areas of health and medical treatment for dogs, a black cloud still looms over the eventual effects of the process ranging from birth defects to cancer.

The scientific community has recently been hounded by calls for protests and objections to continued research and experimentation, particularly with the embryonic stem cells, which are being isolated from days-old embryos of a variety of living organisms, be it human or animal.

Some of the stem cell lines, which have also raised some eyebrows, are those that have also been developed from animal tissue, apparently on the stage where the living organism is into its eighth week of development or even later.

Recent protests are lobbying for a holistic approach to advancements in science and technology, particularly on maintaining a balance between the technological aspects and being aware of ethical principles in the pursuit of medical breakthroughs.

Advocates in favor of applied stem cell ethics insist that this check and balance process needs to be set-up, in order to maintain certain standards on the limitations of these tests and researches.

Only recently these calls have been heeded by the scientific community after it proposed to impose a series of ethical guidelines that will govern stem cell research and experiments.

The proposed stem cell ethics system, albeit voluntary, will serve as an institutional policy that will apply to all stem cell researches and experiments, whether funded privately or publicly, since it is expected to be governed by federal and state regulations.

Although stem cell research breakthroughs have been showing good progress, but since the process requires deriving the stem cells from embryos and eventually destroying them, multi-sectoral groups have denounced the process.

Stem cell ethics is one way to ensure the public that stem cell research is being conducted in consideration of every possible ethical principle governing life.

Although the scientific community established the ethical guidelines to assuage the public’s fears of a blanket authority over such experiments and studies, political groups opposed to adult canine stem cell research charge that these guidelines is only meant to euphemize a ’seemingly unethical line of research.’

Stem cell research has been one of the most recently celebrated controversies today, which has called for the imposition of a stem cell ethics framework and should consider all possible ethical viewpoints since human life is involved, even while it was still an ‘insignificant’ organism inside the body.

Regardless of whether the research is for human or adult canine stem cell research, pro-life advocates maintain the in general, all living organisms have the right to life and exist.

Truth be told, that even with the difference between human or adult canine stem cell research, breaking the silence between ethics and medical breakthroughs will continue to be a controversy of choice.

A Look Into Adult Canine Stem Cell Research

A look into adult canine stem cell research, just like any other stem cell research, often raises controversy and draws the line between scientific breakthroughs and the raising of eyebrows among skeptics.

At the turn of the century, stem cell research, has become one of the most controversial and celebrated events in the history of the world.

From the research laboratories where tests and experimentations are conducted, down to the streets filled with protesters hoping to stop stem cell experiments or those pushing for ethical principles behind the experiments, stem cell research has by far been the most talked about topic in scientific history.

Although much has been said about many innovative breakthroughs in harnessing the power of stem cells, stem cell research still has a long way to go.

With breakthroughs achieved, allowing adult canine stem cells to be used in treatment of a variety of diseases among dogs, still further intensive studies are being conducted since many scientists believe that stem cell therapy holds the promise of radically changing the way canine diseases are being treated.

For example, adult canine stem cells are currently gaining widespread use for treatment and therapy, as well as not posing any medical danger to the patient, since findings have already been established about the regenerative and renewal properties of the adult canine stem cell without destructive or damaging side effects.

Adult canine stem cells, also called somatic stem cells, are found throughout the dog’s body and has been linked to the healing properties of living organisms like for example, the ability of the skin to regenerate after it has been injured or the ability of regenerating human tissues due to wear and tear.

Theoretically, with findings on recent stem cell research, scientists believe that it may lead the way to addressing better treatment and therapy of certain types of muscle damage, even cancer, as well as with varied forms of tissue or organ impairments and other medical conditions – both treatable and what may have been thought of as untreatable.

Regardless of the benefits of stem cell research and its medical breakthroughs, however, controversies are still rife since the process of obtaining a canine embryonic stem cell for experimentation.

Deriving an active embryonic stem cell line through therapeutic cloning would require destroying a canine embryo, since many oppositionists to stem cell research argue that this is a similar process to reproductive cloning and is no less an ethical question why the need to subject the life of a living organism to become an instrument of science.

Proponents, however, insist that the pursuit of medical breakthroughs and scientific experiments on the embryonic stem cell is only limited to embryonic samples that are already subject for destruction resulting from in vitro fertilization.

This argument, however, is also being countered by pro-life movers who insist that despite of the process, an embryo is still a living organism, thus has the right to life regardless of the fact that it is already subject for destruction.

The never-ending battle between good and evil is seemingly manifested in stem cell research, since it has created a contrasting atmosphere of animosity and excitement over findings resulting from these researches from various sectors, and will continue to face social and ethical challenges for all sectors concerned.

All the same, a look into adult canine stem cell research – regardless of the challenges it faces- will continue to provide answers and pave the way for more breakthroughs ahead.